Thursday, February 13, 2020


I am going to write a positive post to remind myself and any one reading this that despite your faults, errors, humanity or inconsistencies, you do have positive accomplishments and successes in your life.
I'm not saying be grateful for the things you have because others have less, I'm saying think about things you have changed and overcome and feel good about it. Because you did that. And you rock.

I used to drink every day. I don't do that anymore. I still drink occasionally but I don't binge drink anymore. That's a major accomplishment. I have been in several art shows. I don't do that anymore either, but I want to. I finally wrote to the (no longer) little girl in Alaska who I met years ago when her mom came to visit her friend (my former roommate) and we did a painting project together and I promised her I would frame it and send it to her. I sent her a card to see if that address was still good before I send her the painting.

I have explored my interest in spirituality and God a little bit by visiting a church and a temple. I haven't done it regularly, and I haven't gotten as involved as I want to with taking classes they offer, but I made a small effort whereas I wasn't making any at all in the past.

I went to the doctor instead of ignoring an issue with my breast. And for a dental check up. Of course it helps significantly to have health insurance, which I may not have much longer, but I went so.....that's a positive.

I refinished or painted several pieces of furniture that I got for free or cheap and then sold them at GSW. Of course the retail re-sale store charges us rent and  takes a commission percentage, but I still accomplished something I set out to do. I had the idea, I started it and I finished it. That's positive.

I guess there are still more things I could put on my negative list than positives, but that's okay. I'm trying. And that's ... positive!

*Now what I am wondering is if I should make a list of all the 'poor' decisions and choices I have ever made and figure out what I could have done differently, with the knowledge and power I had at my disposal at the time. Would there be any benefit in doing that? Would it help me to do better and know better now and in the future?*

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