Thursday, August 24, 2017

Emotionally Assertive

Self-awareness and Understanding

are so important to work towards

So you can know the reasons behind your actions and feelings.

I have been a procrastinator as long as I can remember and I have always blamed failures on that. Today I read an article I would like to share about how procrastination doesn't lead to failure, but the emotional connections to the reasons for procrastinating do. What Motivates Getting Things Done by Mary Lamia. 

It wasn't a 'cure' for people like me, but it had a lot of points to ponder. And if something makes you think about your ingrained behaviors and sparks some ideas of how to make positive adjustments, then I think it's worth taking a look at, so I hope you read it and find it interesting and encouraging!


                                                  I did a book report on this in high school.
                                                    It's a magical and inspiring book.

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