Thursday, January 4, 2018

First Day

The first day back went great in my opinion. I told myself to be confident and friendly, and just be myself. I tried to stay back and not be pushy or annoying; like when I saw a couple of different female students they gave me a hug but when I was going to hug the gal I read with she was like ugh, so I backed off immediately. I greeted almost everyone I saw with a Good Morning and a Happy New Year! I tried to be aware of my surroundings and avail myself to help those who needed it without hovering. I got to have an actual casual conversation with our teacher for, I think, the first time. She seemed more chill after the vacation. I think we all were. And most of the kids were a little tired. I got to read with the student who I am working with a couple times a week which I really enjoy, but I think we should start to mix in some nonfiction so she can learn about a topic too. That's what we did in the SMART reading program, alternating fiction books with Nat Geo books about dinosaurs, snakes, birds, bears, sharks (very popular), oceans and NASA/astronomy. They were books we could read in the thirty minute time though, and she and I have been mostly reading chapters in longer books like Wonder, and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in the 20 minutes we have... I hope tomorrow goes well, as well. I have to share later what I read in an art book today because it was seriously disturbing... Also, I thought today was Monday off and on all day (it's Thursday). Also, I did keep my promise and went through and deleted almost all the emails yesterday, even though I put it off until last. Also, I worked on Deb (neighbor's) painting some more. Drawing, rather. Well, in the drawing stages anyway. I want to eat more soup. And salad. They are both delicious and usually nutritious. I think I am beginning to ramble, so I say Kon bon wa and


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