Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Two more days, then a day off, but I asked if I could go in to work on the mural for a while. I also want to tear out some of the old ads from the recycle/discard magazines and put them on black foam core. Today I got to help kids with the history final and boy did most people have some trouble with cardinal directions, which I can totally relate to...I also got to watch some analysis videos of Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal which is really amazing and I'm sorry I haven't seen it sooner.

I went to the vintage mall place again to get one of the sweaters I saw there for Matt from SHINE because he was so helpful and supportive when I was volunteering and when I got hired full time. We had talked about these sweaters from Ireland at some point and I said if I ever see one at Goodwill I will pick it up for you, but that was like two years ago and I never did see one at Goodwill. But then there are like four of them at the vintage place. For only forty bones, so that's a very decent price! I also got a small rug and a pewter mug, a large Fiesta serving fork and a nifty Kodak photo size paper cutter. Also a hardcover copy of  Dr. Seuss's The Sleep Book. Because it's a great book, in perfect condition, and brings back memories of listening to the record at night as a kid and not being able to actually sleep because it just made me yawn repeatedly. They are all great items, but the photo thing is the best. It looked rusty and dull but I tested it on a piece of paper I had and it went slice! right through, so smooth.

Then later, after getting a can of coke at the motorcycle shop (who knew they had soda pop?) and smokes and Smartfood at Plaid, I see how big the moon is and remember that tomorrow is the 'super bad blue blood moon' or something similar, so I take a picture and remember the phone camera can't handle that much moon, so then I remember our super generous neighbor who gifted us so much stuff when she moved out allowed me to have her fantastic 35 mm camera. So I checked it out when I got home which I hadn't done before (taken it out of its camera bag) and it has a cool telephoto lens and filters and other accessories...and I'm just so super grateful because I have always been sad about having to return my evil ex's dad's camera when we split for good, because I used it for all my photography classes and projects and knew how to use it really well. It was a Canon though, so this is a welcome fresh beginning back into photography. I'm excited. I need to get fresh film and batteries for it tomorrow.

The kids all left two hours early because of  finals and I had to find something to do so I decorated one of the blank boards in class with the little yellow paper pyramids the kids made a couple months ago and got a free/discard book on Egypt from the library and cut out some pictures (also a lot of books for me...two by Gary Paulsen (!) and two by James Herriot (those ones! that my sister read when I was a kid, so I wanted to read them too). Of course it felt a little wrong to carve up a library book, or any book, but it was for a good purpose and it's an out of date book anyway soooo... Peace.

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