Thursday, January 25, 2018

Respite and Refute

  I don't even know what I've been eating. I really stopped keeping track after that first week. The death of our student and the depressing season have been weighing on me. And then we got informed that one of us would need to be moved next door. Well, today it was my well respected and kind-hearted co-worker who got the news that she would be moving to the other classroom. I was sad for her but glad it was her, both because I think it would be she who could be most successful there and because I think it would significantly increase stress for me, much in the way that moving from the one class to the other last year decreased my stress overall. Granted it sucked that the teacher left after a week and we had to have a much less experienced substitute whom we were teaching more than he was the students (or us), yet he was making about ten more dollars per hour than we were... I hope it works out well overall. I think when we had our student with whom she worked often, I would see her appearing harried and hurried, but never time to talk and rarely to stop for breath. So this may be a welcome change to a more calm environment, after she gets accustomed to it. I know that she really likes to stay busy though, and she is so helpful that I think if the teacher gives her lots of good projects to prepare for the kids and to teach them that she will win them over quickly.
 Meanwhile, a bunch of other stuff happened when I went for a walk after school to ostensibly get coffee and milk. Like I found out you can purchase grease by the cup at the Appliance store. And that you can find a Black Lightning action figure for seven dollars at the Vintage mall.
 I went back from lunch extra early so I could watch part of Blade Runner in the theater with the movie class, but I happened to see three boys trying to cut class as it were, leaving campus, and I had to say something. At least they turned around which was good, but then they loitered and cut back so when I went inside and saw Lydia I reported them and also the info that they had been smoking. Which was true, but I honestly would not have snitched if they had heeded my decree. Tbh, I wasn't really surprised they didn't. I mean, they didn't know me or respect me, and I wasn't speaking to them in a very authoritative manner. But then I guess the school is dead serious about kids bringing vape pens on campus so they brought them in and then had me come up from class via telephone to tell the VP what I saw and where. I let her know I wasn't a reliable witness (based on experience) but that I saw such and such for sure. Then I had some weird ideas that the kids would know I lived over here and would want revenge so even though I think that's paranoid and they should expect any school employee/adult to report them if they are not following rules, I still should probably take that long needed krav maga class, or re-take the women's self-defense. You know, just for Peace of mind. 😃

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