I mostly successfully helped guide the kid I help in Animation class with creating a 'cartoon hand' because I had spent hours doing it at home and failing until I got somewhere halfway okay. I was following along with the teacher's tutorial and he was going so fast I had to slow it down to half speed, and even then I was pausing it after almost every step. I'm learning a lot in that class about how
I learn. I learn new technical information slowly and with much repetition. There are so many options and commands at your disposal in the Maya Autodesk software program, it's overwhelming until you become familiar with some of them and what they can do. And then you find out there are like three different ways to do the same thing and that is overwhelming too. I think if I could do it for a couple hours every day then I would be getting it. Next (today/tomorrow) I am going to work on building a castle with a very helpful Youtube video I started the other day, and then I can show the student how to do it.
The parents of students come in for meetings with special staff and teachers sometimes but we, the teaching assistants, are never invited to meet them for some reason, which seems odd since we are the ones who are with the students one on one for hours every week.
I tried my van the other week and it
were ded. So I waited awhile because I didn't think we had AAA anymore, but it turns out we do, bc Steve had renewed it, Thank you, Steven! So I got it jumped by one of their really nice people and he said you should take it to Les Schwab for a super charge to give it reliable power because when you jump it, it's just a 'get started' charge and stores up minimal power as you run it for awhile, but you think your alternator is charging the battery as you drive, but it's
not (he told me). Or maybe it is, but never
fully. I don't know, I thought I understood it at the time, but I should look it up. He also said it could have 'died' because of a combination of not driving it and really cold snow and ice weather. Anyway, I went to Les Schwab after school one day and worked on school computer stuff while I was waiting, and then they said you really should get a new battery, and I said I thought it wasn't that old, but really I don't remember, and I'm tired of it unexpectedly dying, so g' head! It was $150 so I was really glad I still had money from my last paycheck that I had brought with me. I helped them move the seat to take the battery out, and put the cover back on afterward.
Fred Meyer had some awesome warm Carhart socks on sale so I bought a bunch thinking I'd send some to Uncle, but decided to keep them all because I'm always 'running out' of socks, and also I keep and wear good socks for five years (or more) so it's worth it to buy good ones that won't fall apart. I probably didn't even get enough. I had a letter from Uncle that talked about him dying and I became so very sad that I wrote him and said don't die!! And he called me a week later and assuaged my fears somewhat, but I miss him so much. I wish we lived closer.
I've been helping a kid with law class and another with health class and I see they are trying to do the work but I question their comprehension so I'm thinking of making them some flashcards so they can study more conveniently. I didn't start to utilize flashcards myself until college and they were really helpful because you could carry them in your pocket like a phone (though I didn't have a phone in college) and use them whenever for refresher studying. Can I make them in Adobe Spark to use on a phone?
I haven't worked on my kids' book idea since November and I feel like I don't have time, but I'm just not
making time. I went to school today (Saturday) because I forgot my computer last night and have to charge it and use it for the computer tutorials. Well, maybe I could have looked them up here, but then I'd need that on one monitor and Maya on the other instead of watching something else while I was working from the laptop. We had Friday night order pizza night yesterday and watched old Doctor Who episodes which was really dope! I went to Winco to get us some drinks and got a super pretty yellow tulip plant too. It has like five or six bulbs and flowers are almost blooming already.
The kid I am trying to help practice cursive at school is having trouble with the connecting letters concept, so I should maybe make some blown-up cursive sheets so he can see the idea nice and big.
I keep using this for lots of personal stuff, which is fun for me, but I wonder if I should only write about school and work stuff, since that was the original plan for this as a job blog. . . Peace.